Business Loan
LPO Financing
A financing option for small businesses that require funds to meet single or multiple job order(s) from single or multiple contract employers.
Short-Term Loan
A financing option for small businesses with regular cash flow that require funds to pay a one off expense or take advantage of an exciting business opportunity such as a sales promotion or bulk purchase at a bargain price.
Invoice Discounting
A financing option for small businesses to borrow money against mounts/receivables due from customers. It’s simply a re-financing of monies owed by customers.
Skullbiz Loan
A financing option for primary and secondary schools that require finance to execute a short term project or pay a one off expense. Repayment is done termly in line with when school fees are received by the school.
Personal Loan
Group Loan
Generation Money Group Loan is a simple, general-purpose loan offered to employees of a company as a bundle for a period of up to 15 months. Repayments are made monthly from the employee’s salary and will be remitted by the company or paid monthly by employee via cheque or electronic debits from the salary account.
School Fees Loan
Financing education can be a pain for lots of parents with payments for school shopping, school fees and all that goes into preparing for school happening simultaneously. It is for this reason we created Generation Money School Fees Loan to provide a buffer for you.
How it Works
Three Simple Steps
1. Choose Loan type
2. Fill the Form
3. Approval

About Us
Generation Money is a consumer finance organization with expertise in the provision of simple lending solutions to SMEs and individuals. Generation Capital Limited (trading as Generation Money) is duly incorporated in Nigeria (RC 1369000) and is licensed & regulated by the Money Lenders Act. Our activities are Anti-Money Laundering Compliant.